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We <3 Cara

This girl never stops. She just doesn't. I'm not an expert on the modelling industry and don't really know how it all works but surely these girls have some kind of contract with the agencies or the brands they model for, no? Well, not Cara Delevingne. She is EVERYWHERE. I must admit I wasn't always a fan. The first time I started following her on Instagram I did think she was a bit too needy for attention. Like Pfft look at this girl, just trying to stand out by pretending she doesn't give a sh*t and can make ugly faces in photos... 

I even deleted her from my friends (outrageous, I know) as really didn't find her funny. I don't know what changed or when, but now I literally LOVE her. Think I realised she actually does not give a sh*t and couldn't care less of what they say about her poses, her tattoos (or 'tatts' as she says!), her (never too) skinny body and so on. Seriously, look at her!
Of course she is (again!) January Vogue's Cover Girl. And she's rocking those red leather trousers so much I want to go home and change into my ones from Zara. My latest breakdown was when I saw her in this year's Victoria Secret Fashion Show, fab as ever - 

Dear Cara, don't go toooo Rihanna-Miley crazy please. We love you like this, with hair, covered boobs and all that.
La Perla lingerie campaign

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